Jorundur, Jorgen Jorgensen, Jorgen Jorgenson, Jurgen Jurgensen, J.J. aka The King of Iceland
The Internet does not (yet) provide a lot of information about Jorgen Jorgensen.
The Wikipedia Encyclopaedia has the following information:
Jørgen Jørgensen (1780 in Copenhagen, Denmark – January 20, 1841 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) was a Dane who went to Iceland in 1809and declared the country independent from Denmark with himself as a temporary monarch, claiming that he would hand over the reins as soon as the Icelandic people were able to govern themselves; his intent was to establish a liberal society in the spirit of those emerging in The Americas and Europe at the time. Icelanders refer to Jørgensen as Jörundur hundadagakonungur.
Jørgensen was born at Copenhagen in 1780. His father, Jörgen Jörgensen was well-known as watch and clock-maker to the court of Denmark, and other members of his family held respected positions. His schooldays were unhappy and he was expelled at the age of 14. He was put to work in the country, and at his own request was soon afterwards sent to sea in an English ship. Four years on a collier taught him some seamanship, and being taken by a pressgang he served for some years on English men-of-war. At the Cape he joined the Lady Nelson in which he proceeded to Australia. He appears to have been a mate on the Lady Nelson when she went to Hobart in 1803.
He was next on a sealer in New Zealand waters and then sailed for England on the Alexander. It put in to Otaheite after a storm and stayed two months. He gathered there the materials of his State of Christianity in the Island of Otaheite published in 1811. He reached England in June 1806, introduced himself to Sir Joseph Banks, and kept in touch with him for some years. Trapped in Copenhagen while visiting his parents when war was declared between Denmark and England, Jorgensen was given command of a small ship of war and sent to France to convey troops. On the way he was intercepted by H.M.S. Sappho and captured. He lingered in England for eight months on parole. Hearing that Iceland was short of food, he suggested to a merchant the advisability of sending a trading ship there and the Clarence was sent with Jorgensen on board as interpreter.
The Clarence arrived at the port of Havnefiord early in January 1809. Jorgensen advised that the vessel should hoist American colours, but it was afterwards disclosed that the ship was English. The Danish officials refused to allow any trading and the vessel was obliged to return. Jorgensen so impressed the owner with his personality that he lent him a thousand pounds to pay his debts, and fitted out a fresh expedition of two vessels the Margaret and Anne, and the Flora. Jorgensen and the owner sailed with it and also William J. Hooker, then just beginning to make his reputation as a naturalist. They became great friends and Hooker kept his interest in Jorgensen even in his adversity. Nearing Iceland Jorgensen's seamanship saved the Margaret and Anne from running on a rock. When they arrived in June 1809 Count Trampe, the governor of the island, would permit no trading. On a Sunday, while most of the inhabitants were at church, a party of English seamen surrounded the governor's house while Jorgensen, the captain of the vessel, Mr Photos the owner and the agents, forced themselves into the governor's room and arrested him.
Jorgensen then took charge of the governor's residence, ingratiated himself with the islanders, and drew up a proclamation addressed to them. Taxes were remitted, increases of salaries were given to the clergy, and the people were promised peace and cheap food. Jorgensen formed a small body guard and announced his full title "His Excellency, the Protector of Iceland, Commander in Chief by Land and Sea". He seized Danish property and was lavish with public money, made a tour of the island, and for several weeks everything went smoothly. Then H.M.S. Talbot, commanded by the Hon. Alexander Jonas, entered the harbour in August 1809. After some investigation the Danish government was restored and Jorgensen taken to England. On the voyage the Margaret and Anne took fire and was lost, and Jorgensen on the Orion was prominent in saving those on board. Arrived in London he was not molested until a week after the arrival of the Talbot, two weeks after his own vessel. He was then arrested and put in prison, where he heard that Banks had washed his hands of him though Hooker remained his friend. He was brought before the transport board which decided that he should be confined as a prisoner of war who had broken his parole. Jorgensen in confinement spent his time in voluminous literary work. After 11 months on a prison ship he was transferred to Reading on parole. He was 10 months there and was finally released about the middle of 1811.
In London for some months Jorgensen spent most of his time in drinking and gambling, until even the kindly Hooker would lend him no more money. Jorgensen then got a post as mate on a vessel bound for Lisbon where he left his vessel and went to the British front in Spain, got himself arrested as a suspicious character, and, free again, went back to Lisbon where he became penniless. He somehow found his way to Gibraltar. He represented that he had been engaged in naval service and was taken back to England in a hospital ship. He endeavoured to have some of his manuscripts published without success, managed to borrow more money, and wrote to the colonial office representing that he could obtain important information relating to an expedition concerted between the Americans and the French to be sent to capture the Australian colonies. He had gambled away everything he possessed and was in the fleet prison, when he was released by the foreign office and sent to the continent on secret service in June 1815. In the meantime the details of the supposed plot to invade Australia had been sent to Governor Macquarie, who in his reply dated 30 April 1814 admitted the paucity of Australia's defences, but thought Bonaparte had too many commitments in Europe to enable him to spare forces to send to Australia.
Jorgensen, in spite of occasional lapses into gambling and drinking, continued to be supplied with money from the foreign office, and presumably did obtain some information of value. From France he travelled to Germany where he was presented to Goethe. He lived for eight months at Berlin in a respectable way, but in November 1816 he fell among sharpers at Dresden and lost a considerable sum he had with him. In June 1817 he returned to London where he states he was handsomely rewarded for his services. He published his Travels through France and Germany in the years 1815-1817, a volume of over 400 pages which was unfavourably criticized in the Edinburgh Review, and was a complete failure. He began drinking and gambling again and presently was arrested on a charge of having pawned his landlady's furniture during her absence. He was found guilty and sentenced to transportation for seven years, but this was delayed, and in the meantime Jorgensen was given a position as assistant to the surgeon of Newgate gaol infirmary. He professed repentance and one Sunday was allowed to preach a sermon of his own composition to his fellow outcasts. He did his work well and in November 1821 was given his liberty on condition that he left England. But he did not carry out this condition, and in October 1822 was again arrested, sentenced to death and respited. He obtained his old position and again preached to the convicts. In October 1825 he was sentenced to transportation for life, and at the end of November was sent to Australia in the Woodman. He was employed in the infirmary and when later on the surgeon suddenly died, Jorgensen was put in charge of the hospital. There had been much sickness in the early stages of the voyage, but when the vessel arrived at the Cape there was not a single patient in the hospital.
The Woodman arrived in the Derwent on 26 April 1826 and Jorgensen was given a position in the naval office. A few weeks later when £4000 was burgled from the treasury Jorgensen found the money and the robbers. Again in good favour with the authorities he was placed in charge of a surveying expedition in the north-west of the colony. He worked for three years in the country, and returning to Hobart became editor of a local newspaper for a short period. He had been given his ticket of leave and in 1828 received a conditional pardon. He was appointed a constable in the field police force and was successful in the struggle with the bushrangers. In 1830 he was engaged in the "Black War" against the aborigines. In January 1831 he married an ex-convict woman, Deborah Carbon, and settled in Hobart. There in that year he published his Observations on the Funded System. He began drinking heavily again, but about 1834 was given another chance as divisional constable at Rose, where he did good work against the bushrangers. Six months later, having received a family legacy of £200, he returned to Hobart, spent his money and became bankrupt. He wrote his autobiography, the first portion of which appeared in the Van Diemen's Land Annual for 1835, the second in the 1838 volume.
About 1840 Joseph Dalton Hooker, then a member of an expedition to the Antarctic, son of Jorgensen's old friend, came to Hobart and found Jorgensen. His father had never forgotten his friend, but it was now too late for anything to be done for him. He died of inflammation of the lungs in the Hobart infirmary on 20 January 1841. The manuscript of the journal of his expeditions in 1826 and 1827 is at the Mitchell library, Sydney. Many other manuscripts are at the British Museum. In addition to the volumes already mentioned Jorgensen published in London in 1827 The Religion of Christ is the Religion of Nature.
That's why I want to put some information about the Forrest Gump of the 19th Century online.
A little biography of a remarkable man:
Jorgen Jorgenson was a Dane who made Britain his adopted country, and became caught up in its story at opposite ends of the earth. The son of a Copenhagen clockmaker, inspired by his hero Captain Cook, he came to London. Here he became a sailor and at twenty-three was among the small party sent to establish a new colony - Tasmania. Twists of fortune found him captaining a ship for Napoleon against Britain: captured, his life was under threat. He escaped execution, but next a pile of London gambling debts drove him to sail with British traders to Iceland. Now comes his long-dreamed of moment of glory. When Danish officials in Iceland bar their trade, Jorgensen and his fellows (including the young botanist William Jackson Hooker) simply stage a coup. For seven summer months Jorgensen rules Iceland, proclaiming it free from Danish rule, its ancient rights restored and 'at peace with all the nations of the world'. A British warship arrives, and his rule is at an end, but on the voyage home, Jorgen is a hero once more, saving them all from a fire at sea. He was not yet thirty. Much lay ahead, from imprisonment in the hulks, patronage by the British establishment, and travels in Europe as a British spy. But Jorgensen was dogged by his own excesses, and spiralled downwards to prison again, until he was transported as a convict to Tasmania, the colony he helped to found. Here his second life began. He became a mighty explorer, cutting through the bush across icy mountains and flooded rivers. Despite his sympathy for the people, he was caught up in the 'Black Line' and the terrible Aboriginal clearances - movingly described here. Finally he won freedom and status and fame, before drink and a violent marriage dragged him down again. It's a great story - all the ripping yarns you need rolled into one, and a real eye-opener about the workings of power at the birth of the British empire.
English Dane: Jorgen Jorgenson
ISBN : 0701173408
You also can read another book online:
The Convict King
an autobiography by Jørgen Jørgensen (1780 – 1841)
Edited by JAMES FRANCIS HOGAN (1855–1925).
Being the Life and Adventures of Jorgen Jorgensen, Monarch of Iceland, Naval Captain, Revolutionist, British Diplomatic Agent, Author, Dramatist, Preacher, Political Prisoner, Gambler, Hospital Dispenser, Continental Traveller, Explorer, Editor, Expatriated Exile, and Colonial Constable.
A digital text sponsored by Australian Literature Gateway
University of Sydney Library, Sydney, 2003.
My personal collection of books about Jorgen Jorgensen:
-Sjálfstæði Íslands 1809.
Helgi P. Briem – Hið Íslenzka Þjóðvinafélag /E.P. Briem – Reykjavík 1936.
-Jörundur Hundadagakongur – Ævintýri hans og Æviraunir.
Rhys Davies – Bókfellsútgáfan hf. – Reykjavík 1943.
-The Viking of Van Diemen’s Land – The stormy life of Jörgen Jörgensen.
Clune Frank & P. R. Stephensen – Angus & Robertson – London – 1954.
-Kongen af Island eller Beretning om Jørgen Jürgensen.
U. v. Ripperda – Vinten – København 1973.
ISBN 87 414 3776 4
-Íslands kóngur – Sjálfsævisaga Jörundar Hundadagakonungs.
Trausti Ólafsson – Hilmir hf. – Reykjavík 1974.
-The Usurper. Jorgen Jorgenson and his turbulent life in Iceland and Van Diemen’s Land 1780-1841.
Dan Sprod - Blubber Head Press – Hobart 2001.
ISBN 0 9085 28 29 9
-The Convict King. Being the Life and Adventures of Jorgen Jorgensen, Monarch of Iceland, Naval Captain, Revolutionist, British Diplomatic Agent, Author, Dramatist, Preacher, Political Prisoner, Gambler, Hospital Dispenser, Continental Traveller, Explorer, Editor, Expatriated Exile, and Colonial Constabel.
James Francis Hogan – University of Sydney Library – Sydney 2003 (pdf)
J. Walch and Sons, Walch Bros and Birchall Launceston – Ward & Downey – London/Launceston 1891.
-The English Dane: A life of Jorgen Jorgenson.
Sarah Bakewell – Chatto & Windus – London 2005.
ISBN 0 7011 7340 8
-Eldhuginn. Sagan um Jörund Hundadagakonung og Bultingu hans á Íslandi.
Ragnar Arnalds – JPV Útgava – Reykjavík – 2005.
Scientific Publications of MD Wim Van Hooste
Articles - Abstracts - Posters
Anale kanker: Epidemiologie en etiologie. Een literatuuroverzicht 1980-1999.
Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2001; 57 (6):457-462.
Cancer ani: Epidemiology and etiology. A review of literature 1980-1999
Anale kanker is een zeldzame tumor, die vaker aangetroffen wordt bij vrouwen. De diagnose wordt vaak gesteld in het zesde of zevende levensdecennium.
Vanaf 1960 stijgt de incidentie wereldwijd in de stedelijke, maar niet in de landelijke gebieden. Bij mannen treedt deze stijging voornamelijk op jonge en middelbare leeftijd op. Ongehuwde mannen lopen meer risico. Er is een sterk verband met mannelijke homoseksuele ervaring en een geschiedenis van condylomata (HPV-infectie).
Anale seks vóór de leeftijd van 30 jaar vormt voor beide geslachten een risicofactor. Anale kanker is geassocieerd met gonorroe bij mannen zonder een geschiedenis van wratten, en met herpes simplex type 2 en Chlamydia trachomatis bij vrouwen. Per 1.000 aidsgevallen wordt eenmaal de diagnose gesteld van anale kanker.
Roken is een belangrijke risicofactor. Overtuigende cijfers ontbreken dat goedaardige letsels anale kanker veroorzaken. Tevens is geen verband aangetoond met inflammatoir darmlijden. Transplantatiepatiënten lopen wel een verhoogd risico.
Anale kanker deelt met baarmoederhalskanker de volgende risicofactoren: roken, seksueel gedrag en anogenitale infecties.
Hantavirose in Europa: Een literatuuroverzicht.
Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2002; 58 (2): 105-114.
Hantavirosis in Europe: A review of literature.
Hantavirosis is a zoonosis transmitted to humans via contact with, or inhalation of excretions of mice and rats. The members of the genus Hantavirus cause a haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) or the hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). To date more than 33 different serotypes are detected, of which at least 5 are clinically important. Each serotype has a specific rodent reservoir host and geographic distribution. The Hantavirus is the only cause of haemorrhagic fever in the northern hemisphere. In Belgium a mild form of haemorrhagic fever (nephropathia epidemica) is reported, caused by the Puumala serotype and spread by the red bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). The clinical presentation of the disease is sudden with high fever, low back-ache and headache. After a few days the patient develops an acute renal failure with proteinuria. The treatment is supportive, only exceptionally renal dialysis will be necessary. Because there is no commercial vaccin available, the essential preventive measures are the reduction or avoidance of the contact with (excretions of) rodents.
Hantavirose: ziektebeeld, risicofactoren en preventiemaatregelen.
Médecine du Travail/Arbeidsgezondheidszorg & Ergonomie 2002; Volume XXXIX; 3: 105-113.
Hantavirose: disease, risk factors and preventive measures. A review of literature.
Koudestress. Preventieve maatregelen bij blootstelling aan klimatologische of kunstmatige koude.
Veiligheidsnieuws 2003; 141: 9-17.
Cold stress. Preventive measures for exposure to climatological and artificial cold
Prevalence of work-related gastrointestinal symptoms in sewage treatment workers in Flanders (Belgium).
Poster PO 8.17
27° International Congress on Occupational Health (ICOH)
Iguassu Falls (Brazil), 23rd-28th of February 2003.
Helicobacter pylori: Het beroepsrisico. Literatuurstudie 1983-2003.
Médecine du Travail/Arbeidsgezondheidszorg & Ergonomie 2004; Volume XLI; 1: 17-31.
Helicobacter pylori: Occupational risk. Review of literature 1983-2003.
Helicobacter pylori infection: A global occupational risk for healthcare workers?
Int J Occup Environ Health 2004; 10: 428-432.
Free download in pdf-format:
Preventieve maatregelen bij blootstelling aan klimatologische of kunstmatige koude. Preventie van koudestress.
IDEWE Informeert November 2004: 4-5.
Preventive measures for exposure to climatological and artificial cold.
Free download in pdf-format:
> Go to > Publicaties > IDEWE Informeert > November 2004
VAN HOOSTE W.L.C. - Promotor: VAN SPRUNDEL M. & Co-promotor: DE SCHRYVER A.
Gezondheidsrisico's door Helicobacter pylori bij tewerkstelling in Rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties (RWZI's) - Seroprevalentiestudie met 3 niet-invasieve, diagnostische tests bij werknemers van Vlaamse RWZI's. Médecine du Travail/Arbeidsgezondheidszorg & Ergonomie 2004; Volume XLI: 117-118.
Health risks of work in Flemish Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs). Helicobacter pylori prevalence pilot study with 3 non-invasive, diagnostic tests among Flemish sewage workers.
THESIS (22 augustus 2003)
VAN HOOSTE W.- Promotor: VAN SPRUNDEL M. & Co-promotor: DE SCHRYVER A.
Gezondheidsrisico's bij tewerkstelling in Rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties (RWZI's) Literatuurstudie & Helicobacter pylori infectie prevalentiestudie Cross-sectionele H. pylori prevalentiestudie met 3 niet-invasieve, diagnostische testen bij werknemers van Vlaamse RWZI's.
Health risks of work in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) - Review of literature & Helicobacter pylori prevalence study. Cross-sectional H. pylori prevalence study with 3 non-invasive, diagnostic tests among Flemish sewage workers.
Prevalence of gastric complaints and Helicobacter pylori infection among Flemish sewage workers at municipal wastewater treatment plants.
Abstract C01 of the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology 2004
Acta Gastroenterologica Belgica 2004; 67: Abstract C01
Oral Presentation of Abstract at XVIth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology, Bruges (B), February, 2004
Prevalence of gastric complaints and Helicobacter pylori infection among Flemish sewage workers at municipal wastewater treatment plants.
Abstract available:
Ratttenbeet en rattenbeetkoorts.
Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2005; 61 (23): 1693-1703.
Ratbite and ratbite fever.
Rat-borne diseases are leptospirosis, hantavirosis, tulaeremia, plague, rickettsiosis, pasteurellosis, rat-bite fever and parasitical infections. Rat-bites are probably underreported. Up to 10 percent results in rat-bite fever (RBF). RBF is a designation for 2 diseases caused by different Gram-negative bacteria: streptobacillary RBF, by Streptobacillus moniliformis, a rod-shaped bacteria and less common spirillary RBF or "sodoku", by Spirillum minor, a spiral-shaped bacteria which occurs more in Asia (Japan).
Streptobacillary RBF presents as a local skin lesion, followed abruptly by flu-like illness with fever, chills, headache, vomiting, pain of joints or muscles about 3-10 days after the initial injury. Within 2-4 days a diffuse maculopapular or petechial rash appears, involving the extremities, especially the palms and soles. Transmission occurs by a bite or scratch of a rodent or predator of rats, as well as by ingestion of food or water contaminated by a rat. Ingestion leads to the gastrointestinal form of disease known as "Haverhill fever", characterized by pharyngitis and vomiting. Relapsing fever and polyarthritis develop in 30 and 50 percent respectively.
Spirillary RBF has a longer incubation period, the wound may reappear at the time of onset of the systemic illness and arthritis is less common.
The treatment of choice consists of penicillin. The diagnosis can easily be overlooked.
Koudestress: Preventieve maatregelen bij blootstelling aan klimatologische of kunstmatige koude en informatiebronnen op het Internet.
Le stress du froid: Mesures de prévention en cas d’exposition à un froid climatique ou artificiel et sources d’information sur le Web.
Accepted for publication in Médecine du Travail/Arbeidsgezondheidszorg & Ergonomie.
Cold Stress: Preventive Measures for Exposure to Climatological or Artificial Cold and Internet Resources.
Helicobacter pylori infection among Belgian sewage workers: A validity study with 3 non-invasive diagnostic tests.
2006-A-23-EHSG - Abstract for the XIXth International Workshop of the Helicobacter Study Group, Wroclaw, Poland, September 7-9, 2006.
Abstact published in Helicobacter.
Work-related Helicobacter pylori infection among sewage workers of municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Belgium.
2006-A-22-EHSG - Abstract for XIXth International Workshop of the Helicobacter Study Group, Wroclaw, Poland, September 7-9, 2006.
Abstract published in Helicobacter.
Work-related Helicobacter pylori infection among workers of nursing homes for the elderly in Belgium
2006-A-32-EHSG - Abstract for the XIXth International Workshop of the Helicobacter Study Group, Wroclaw, Poland, September 7-9, 2006.
Abstract published in Helicobacter.
Helicobacter pylori infection in sewage
workers at municipal wastewater treatment plants in Belgium.
Abstract for the EUPHA Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, November 16-18, 2006.
Publications by Wim Van Hooste in
Magazine Huginn og Muninn
Huginn og Muninn
Nieuwsbrief/Tijdschrift van de Vereniging IJsland-Nederland
Fréttabréf/Tímarit Vinafélags Íslands-Niðurlanda
1996 (Jaargang 17) - Nummer 1: 32-34.
Björk: De IJslandse Pippi Langkous?
Björk: hun Íslenska Lína Langsokkur?
Article about (encounter with) Icelandic singer Björk.
1997 (Jaargang 18) - Nummer 1: 10-13.
Koning voor 2 maanden, nar een leven lang. Het vreemde verhaal van de Koning van IJsland.
Kóngur í tvo mánuði, fífl um aldur og ævu. Undarleg saga um konung Íslands.
Article about Jorgen Jorgensen aka Jorundur aka The King of Iceland.
1997 (Jaargang 18) - Nummer 2: 20-26.
Article about the Vestmann Islands, south of the coast of Iceland.
1997 (Jaargang 18) - Nummer 3: 6-8.
Perlan, de Parel van Reykjavík.
Perlan, perla Reykjavíkur.
Article about recently build structures in Reykjavik: the Hot Water Pearl.
1998 (Jaargang 19) - Nummer 1: 17-18.
Het stadhuis van Reykjavík.
Ráðhús Reykjavíkur.
Article about recently build structures in Reykjavik: the Town Hall near the Lake Tjornin.
1998 (Jaargang 19) - Nummer 2: 15-16.
Mijn favoriete plek in IJsland: Landmannalaugar alias Laugar.
Uppáhaldsstaðurinn minn á Íslandi: Landmannalaugur öðru nafni Laugar.
Article about Landmannalaugar, my favourite spot in Iceland.
2000 (Jaargang 21) - Nummer 1: 22-24.
Zeg eens A ... - Akureyri.
Segðu einusinni A ... - Akureyri.
Article about Akureyri, the Capital of the North, where I worked one year as a resident-assistant medical doctor.
2 Belgen Lena B
2 Belgen Operation coup de poing B
2 Unlimited No limit B/NL
4 Non Blondes What’s up US
10 CC Donna UK
808 State Cübik UK
808 State Pacific state UK
808 State & Bernard Sumner Spanish heart UK
808 State & Björk Ooops UK/IS
808 State & Björk Qmart UK/IS
A Guy Called Gerald Voodoo Ray UK
ABC All of my heart UK
ABC King without a crown UK
ABC Look of love UK
ABC Poison arrow UK
ABC The night you murdered love UK
Adam & The Ants Stand and deliver UK
Adamsky & Seal Killer UK
Agnetha Fältskog The heat is on S
A-Ha Hunting high and low N
A-Ha Take on me N
A-Ha The sun always shines on TV N
Air Kelly watches the stars F
Air Sexy boy F
Al Stewart On the border UK
Al Stewart Year of the cat UK
Alan Parson’s Project Don’t answer me UK
Alice Cooper How you gonna see me now US
Alice Cooper Poison US
All Saints Black coffee UK
Alphaville Big in Japan D
Alphaville Forever young D
Alphaville Sounds like a melody D
Anna Domino & L. Van Acker Zanna B
Anne Clark Our darkness UK
Apollo 440 Ain’t talkin’ bout dub US
Apollo 440 Stop the rock US
Arbeid Adelt! Johnny Sexpistool B
Aretha Franklin Respect US
Art Garfunkel Bright eyes US
Ash Girl from Mars UK
Ash Oh yeah UK
Astral Bodies Astral Bodies NL
Axelle Red Elle danse seule B
Axelle Red Sensualité B
Aztec Camera & Mick Jones Goodmorning Britain UK
Aztec Camera All I need is everything UK
B-52’s Channel Z US
B-52’s Cosmic thing US
B-52’s Love shake US
Babies Everytime I think of you US
Babies Isn’t it time US
Babybird You’re gorgeous UK
Babylon Zoo Spacemen UK
Bad English Time stood still US
Baltimora Tarzan boy US
Bananarama Robert de Niro’s waiting UK
Bang Gang In heaven IS
Bang Gang Sleep IS
Bang Gang So alone? IS
Bangles Manic Monday US
Barry Ryan Eloise UK
Bauhaus She’s in parties D
Beach Boys Sloop John B US
Beach Boys God only knows US
Beach Boys Barbara-Ann US
Beach Boys Good fibrations US
Beach Boys Help me Rhonda US
Beastie Boys Fight for your right (to party) US
Beastie Boys Sabotage US
Beatles Across the universe UK
Beatles A day in the life UK
Beatles Eleanor rigby UK
Beatles Here comes the sun UK
Beatles Helter skelter UK
Beatles Hey Jude UK
Beatles Let it be UK
Beatles Norwegian wood UK
Beatles She loves you UK
Beatles Strawberry fields UK
Beck Loser US
Bee Gees I started a joke AUS
Bel Canto Blank sheets N
Bel Canto Didn’t you know N
Bel Canto Paradise N
Bel Canto Shimmering, warm and bright N
Bel Canto Spiderdust N
Bel Canto Time without end N
Bel Canto White-Out conditions N
Belgian Asociality Morregen B
Belly Feed the tree US
Bennett Mom’s gone to Iceland UK
Bettie Serveert Kid’s allright NL
Big Audio Dynamite E = mc² UK
Big Country In a big country UK
Billy Bragg A new England UK
Billy Idol Dancing with myself US
Billy Idol Eyes without a face US
Billy Idol Sweet sixteen US
Billy Joel Goodnight Saigon US
Björk & David Arnold Play dead IS
Björk Bachelorette IS
Björk Big time sensuality IS
Björk Enjoy IS
Björk Hunter IS
Björk Hyperballad IS
Björk I miss you IS
Björk Isobel IS
Björk Jóga IS
Björk Possibly maybe IS
Björk Violently happy IS
Black Wonderful life UK
Black Sabbath Paranoid UK
Blancmange Don’t tell me UK
Bless & Björk Worlds collapse IS
Bless You are my radiator IS
Bless & Björk Younder IS
Blondie Maria UK
Blondie Rapture UK
Bloodhound Gang The bad touch US
Blue Murder Talk Talk Talk NL
Blue Nile Tinseltown in the rain UK
Blue Öyster Cult Don’t fear the reaper USA
Blur Beetlebum UK
Blur Boys and Girls UK
Blur Song 2 UK
Blur There’s no other way UK
Bollock Brothers Harley David (son of a bitch) D
Bomb Da Bass Beat this UK
Bomb Da Bass Winter in July UK
Bomfunk MC’s Freestyler FIN
Boomtown Rats I don’t like mondays UK
Boston More than a feeling US
Boudewijn de Groot Prikkebeen NL
Boudewijn de Groot Vanavond NL
Boudewijn de Groot Verdronken vlinder NL
Breeders Cannonball US
Bronski Beat Small town boy UK
Bruce Hornsby & The Range The way it is US
Bruce Springsteen Born to run US
Bruce Springsteen Streets of Philadelphia US
Bruce Springsteen The river US
Bruce Springsteen Tunnel of love US
Buddy Holly Everyday US
Buddy Holly It doesn’t matter anymore US
Buddy Holly Peggy Sue US
Buddy Holly Rave on US
Buddy Holly That will be the day US
Buffalo Springfield For what it’s worth US
Bush The chemicals between us UK
Byrds So you want to be a rock’n’roll star US
Cake The distance
Camper Van Beethoven Take the skinheads bowling
Canned Heat On the road again US
Cardigans Rise and shine S
Carly Simon You’re so vain US
Carpenters Yesterday once more US
Cars Drive US
Carter USM Anytime, anyplace, anywhere UK
Carter USM Shopper’s paradise UK
Catatonia Mulder & Scully UK
Cats One way wind NL
Cat Stevens Morning has broken UK
C.C. Panneston Finally US
Charlatans Can’t get out of bed UK
Charlatans Nobody UK
Charlatans One to another UK
Charlatans The only one I know UK
Charlatans Tremelo song UK
Charlatans Weirdo UK
Charlie Rich The most beautiful girl US
Charmin’ Children Goldfish NL
Chemical Brothers Block rockin’ beats UK
Chemical Brothers Leave home UK
Chemical Brothers Life is sweet UK
Chemical Brothers Setting sun UK
Chills Heavenly pop hit NZ
China Crisis Wishful thinking UK
Chris Isaak Wicked game US
Christians Ideal world UK
Christians Words UK
Church Under the milky way AUS
Clannad The hunter IRL
Clannad Theme from Harry’s game IRL
Clash I fought the law UK
Clash Rock da kasba UK
Claw Boys Claw Rosie NL
Cliff Richard Summer holiday UK
Cliff Richard The Young Ones UK
Clouseau Domino B
Cock Robin The promise you made US
Cock Robin When your heart is weak US
Cocteau Twins Iceblink luck UK
Communards Don’t leave me this way UK
Concrete Blonde Joey US
Consolidated Fascism in the 90s US
Consolidated You suck US
Cookie Crew (Beatmasters remix) Rock da house UK
Cookie Crew Females UK
Cornershop (Norman Cook remix) Brimful of Asha UK
Cornershop Sleep on the left side UK
Cramps Human fly US
Cranberries Linger UK
Cranberries Zombie UK
Credit To The Nation & Chumbawamba Enough is enough UK
Crosby, Stills & Nash Marakesh express US
Crowded House Better be home soon NZ
Crowded House Chocolat cake NZ
Crowded House Don’t dream it’s over NZ
Crowded House Four seasons in one day NZ
Crowded House Into temptation NZ
Crowded House Wheather with you NZ
Cult She sells sanctuary UK
Culture Beat Anything UK
Cure A forest UK
Cure Boys don’t cry UK
Cure Charlotte sometimes UK
Cure In between days UK
Cure Just like heaven UK
Cure Killing an Arab UK
Cure Let’s go to bed UK
Cure Love cats UK
Curtis Mayfield Move on up US
Curtis Mayfield Superfly US
Cutting Crew I just died in your arms UK
Dandy Warhols Every day should be a holiday US
Dave Davies Tears of a clown UK
David Bowie & Pat Matheny This is not America UK
David Bowie & Queen Under pressure UK
David Bowie Absolute beginners UK
David Bowie Ashes to ashes UK
David Bowie Heroes UK
David Bowie Life on Mars UK
David Bowie Space Oddity UK
David Bowie Wild is the wind UK
David Bowie Ziggy Stardust UK
David Sylvian & R. Sakamoto Bamboo houses UK
David Sylvian & R. Sakamoto Forbidden colours UK
Dead Kennedys California über alles US
Dead or alive You spin me around (like a record) UK
Dean Friedman Lydia US
DC Talk Jesus freak US
Deee Lite Groove is in the heart UK
Deep Purple Child in time UK
Deep Purple Smoke on the water UK
De La Soul Me, myself and I US
De La Soul Three is the magic number US
Del Shannon Runaway US
Depeche Mode Enjoy the silence UK
Depeche Mode Everything counts UK
Depeche Mode In your room UK
Depeche Mode Just can’t get enough UK
Depeche Mode Master and servant UK
Depeche Mode Personal Jesus x UK
Depeche Mode Walking in my shoes UK
Desireless Voyage voyage F
Deus Little arithmetics B
Deus Suds and soda B
Dexy’s Midnight Runners Come on Eileen AUS
Dijk Bloedend hart NL
Dinosaur jr. I don’t think so US
Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy Television the drug of the nation US
Divinyls I touch myself US
Dodgy Good enough UK
Doe Maar De bom NL
Doe Maar Doris Day NL
Doe Maar Pa NL
Doe Maar Sinds een dag of twee NL
Doe Maar 32 Jaar NL
DÖF Codo D/A
Don Henley Boys of summer US
Donna Summer I feel love US
Doobie Brothers What a fool believes US
Double Captain of her heart CH
Duncan Brown Wild places UK
Duran Duran A view to a kill US
Duran Duran Rio US
Duran Duran Save a prayer US
Duran Duran The Reflex US
Duran Duran Union of the snake US
Duran Duran Wild boys US
Dusty Springfield I close my eyes and count to ten UK
Dusty Springfield Son of a preacher man UK
Dutch This is welfair
Earth & Fire Maybe tomorrow, maybe tonight NL
Earth & Fire Memories NL
Earth & Fire Storm and thunder NL
Eastwood & Saint Stop that train
Echo & The Bunnymen Bring on the dancing horses UK
Echo & The Bunnymen Killing moon UK
Eddie Brickel What I am US
Eddie Cochran C’mon everybody US
Eddie Cochran Three steps to heaven US
Eels Novocaine for the soul US
E.G. Daily Say it, say it US
Ellen Foley We belong to the night US
Elvis Presley In the ghetto US
Elvis Presley Wooden heart US
Elvis Costello I want you UK
Elvis Costello Veronica UK
Embrace All you good people UK
EMF I believe UK
EMF Unbelievable UK
Emilia Big big world S
Ennio Morricone My name is nobody I
Ennio Morricone Once upon a time in the west I
Ennio Morricone The good, the bad & the ugly I
Erasure Sometimes UK
Eros Ramazotti Musica e I
Espen Lind When Suzannah cries S
Eton Crop Noisy town NL
Eurythmics Love is a stranger UK
Eurythmics Sex crime (1984) UK
Eurythmics When tomorrow comes UK
Everly Brothers All I have to do is dream US
Everly Brothers Bye bye love US
Everly Brothers Wake up little Susie US
Extreme More than words US
Fad Gadget Back to nature UK
Faithless God is a dj UK
Faithless Insomnia UK
Faith No More Epic US
Faith No More Evidence US
Faith No More Midlife crisis US
Falco Jeanny D
Fall Iceland UK
Farm All together now UK
Farm Groovy train UK
Fatal Flowers Younger days NL
Fat Boys Wipe out US
Feargal Sharkey A good heart UK
Fiction Factory Feels like heaven
Fishbone Ma and pa US
Fisher Z So long UK
Fisher Z The worker UK
Flaming Lips She does not use jelly UK
Flash & The Pan Hey St. Peter AUS
Flash & The Pan Midnight men AUS
Fleetwood Mac Albatros UK
Fleetwood Mac Big love UK
Fleetwood Mac Go your own way UK
Fleetwood Mac Little lies UK
Fleetwood Mac Man of the world UK
Flock of Seagulls I ran UK
Flock of Seagulls The more you live, the more you love UK
Flock of Seagulls Wishing (I had a photograph of you) UK
Flowered up Week-ender UK
Flying Pickets Only you UK
Fool’s Garden Lemon tree D
Fra Lippo Lippi Shouldn’t have to be like that N
France Gall Ella elle là F
France Gall Il jouait du piano debout F
Frank Black Hang on to your ego US
Frank Boeijen Groep Eén miljoen sterren NL
Frank Boeijen Groep Kronenburg park NL
Frank Boeijen Groep Zwart-Wit NL
F.R. Davis Words F
Franky Goes to Hollywood Relax UK
Franky Goes to Hollywood The power of love UK
Franky Goes to Hollywood Two tribes UK
Freddy & The Dreamers I’m telling you now UK
Frida Something going on S
Front 242 Funkaddhafi B
Front 242 Headhunter B
Front 242 No shuffle B
Front 242 U-men B
Garbage (Tricky remix) Milk UK
Garbage Stupid girl UK
Garland Jeffreys Hail, Hail, Rock & Roll US
Garland Jeffreys Matador US
Gavin Friday I want to live IRL
Genesis Invisible touch UK
Genesis Land of confusion UK
Genesis Mama UK
Gerry & The Pacemakers Don’t let the sun catch you crying UK
Gerry & The Pacemakers Ferry ‘cross the mercey UK
Gerry & The Pacemakers You’ll never walk alone UK
Gino Vanelli Wild horses CAN
Glenn Frey The heat is on US
Godfathers Birth, School, Work, Dead x UK
Godfathers Cause I said so UK
Godfathers If I only had time UK
Godfathers Love is dead UK
Godfathers When I am going down UK
Goede Doel Alles geprobeerd NL
Goede Doel België NL
Goede Doel Nooduitgang NL
Goede Doel Sinterklaas NL
Goede Doel Vandaag NL
Goede Doel Vriendschap x NL
Golden Earring Another 45 miles NL
Golden Earring When the lady smiles NL
Golden Earrings Just a little bit of peace in my heart NL
Goldie Inner city life UK
Gorky Soms vraagt een mens zich af B
Gotcha Mathilda da wikked bitch NL
Grace Jones Slave to the rhythm US
Grant Hart All of my senses US
Grant Lee Buffalo Fuzzy US
Grauzone Eisbaer D
Green Day Basket case US
Grylurnar Sisi IS
Guano Apes Lords of the board D
Guns n’ Roses November rain US
Guns n’ Roses Paradise city US
Guns n’ Roses Sweet child of mine US
Gus Gus Believe IS
Gus Gus Ladyshave IS
Gus Gus Polyesterday IS
HAM Voulez-vous? IS
Hans de Booy Alle vrouwen NL
Happy Mondays Step on UK
Harry Nilsson Without you US
Heart Alone US
Heart Crazy on you US
Heaven 17 Fascist groove thing UK
Heaven 17 Temptation UK
Heideroosjes Klapvee NL
Henk Westbroek Waar ze loopt te wandelen NL
Herman van Veen Anne NL
Herman van Veen Fiets NL
Herman van Veen Hilversum 3 NL
Herman van Veen Toveren NL
Herman’s Hermits No milk today UK
Hollies Bus stop UK
Hollies He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother UK
Hollies I can’t let you go UK
Hollies Sorry Suzanne UK
Hollies The air that I breathe UK
Holly & The Italians Tell that girl to shut up US
Hot Chocolate Emma UK
House of Love Beatles and the Stones UK
House of Love Christine UK
House of Love Costa UK
House of Love Destroy the heart UK
House of Love Never UK
House of Love Shine on UK
Housemartins Caravan of love UK
Housemartins Happy hour UK
Huey Lewis & The News Power of love US
Hugo Matthysen Blankenberge B
Human League Don’t you want me UK
Human League (Keep feeling) Fascination UK
Human League Human UK
Human League Lebanon UK
Human League Mirror man UK
Icehouse Crazy AUS
Icehouse Great Southern Land AUS
Icehouse Little girl AUS
Icehouse No promises AUS
Iggy Pop Lust for life US
Iggy Pop Passenger US
Ike & Tina Turner River deep, mountain high US
Inner City Big fun US
Inner City Good life US
In Tua Nua Seven into the sea IRL
Inspiral Carpets Dragging me down UK
Inspiral Carpets Saturn 5 UK
Inspiral Carpets This is how it feels UK
INXS Beautiful girl AUS
INXS Never tear us apart AUS
INXS Original sin AUS
INXS Suicide blond AUS
IQ Don’t make any fool promises
It’s immaterial Driving away from home (Jim’s tune)
Jackson Brown Doctor my eyes US
Jacques Dutronc Il est cinq heures Paris s’éveille F
Jam Going underground UK
James Born of frustration UK
James Sit down UK
James Sometimes UK
Jan De Wilde De eerste sneeuw B
Jan Hammer Crockett’s theme US
Jane’s Addiction Being caught while stealing US
Japan Adolescent sex UK
Japan Nightporter UK
Japan Visions of China UK
Jayhawks Take me with you UK
Jefferson Airplane Somebody to love US
Jefferson Airplane White rabbits US
Jennifer Warnes First we take Manhattan US
Jesus & The Mary Chain Happy when it rains UK
Jesus Jones Right here, right now UK
Jill Jones G-spot US
Jim Diamond I should have known better UK
Jimi Hendrix Like an angel US
Jimi Hendrix Purple haze US
Joe Jackson Is she really going out with him? US
Joe Jackson Real men US
Johan Everybody knows NL
John Hiatt I ain’t missing you at all US
John Lennon Imagine UK
John Mellencamp Jack and Diane US
John Miles Music UK
Jo Lemaire Je suis venu te dire que je m’en vais B
Joy Division Atmosphere UK
Joy Division Love will tear us apart UK
JP van der Mey Mooie, rijke vrouw NL
Julian Cope World shut your mouth UK
Juliana Hatfield For the birds US
Juliana Hatfield My sister US
Juliana Hatfield Universal heartbeat US
Junkie XL Saturday teenage kick NL
Kaiser Chiefs I predict a riot UK
Kajagoogoo Too shy UK
Kate Bush Cloudbusting UK
Kate Bush Man with the child in his eyes UK
Kate Bush Running up that hill UK
Kate Pierson & Iggy Pop Candy US
Kayak Ruthless queen NL
Kayak Wintertime NL
Keith West Grocer Jack (from “A teenage opera”)
Kent If you were here S
Kids There will be no next time B
Killing Joke Love like blood UK
Kim Carnes Bette Davis’ eyes US
Kim Wilde Cambodja UK
Kim Wilde Kids in America UK
Kinks All day and all the night UK
Kinks Celluloid heroes UK
Kinks Crazy Sunday afternoon UK
Kinks Days UK
Kinks Tired of waiting UK
Kinks Waterloo sunset UK
Kinks You really got me UK
Kirsty MacColl & The Pogues Fairytale of New York UK/IRL
Kirsty MacColl Days UK
Kirsty MacColl Innocence UK
Kiss AMC A bit of (U2) UK
Kissing the pink One step (away from you) UK
Klein Orkest Over de muur NL
KLF & Timmy Wynette Justified and ancient UK/US
KLF What time is love UK
Knack My sharona US
Kraftwerk Radio activity D
Kraftwerk The model D
Kraftwerk Tour de France D
Kula Shaker Govinda UK
Kula Shaker Tattva UK
L7 Pretend we’re dead US
Laid back Sunshine reggae DK
La’s There she goes UK
Led Zeppelin Stairway to heaven UK
Leftfield & John Lydon Open up UK
Leftfield & Halliday Original UK
Lene Lovich Lucky number US
Lenny Kravitz Fly away US
Lenny Kravitz Let love rule US
Lenny Kravitz Mr. Cabdriver US
Leonard Cohen Suzanne US
Level 42 Lessons in love UK
Level 42 Running in the family UK
Levellers One way UK
Liaisons Dangereuses Los ninos del parque B
Linkin Park Breaking the habbit US
Linkin Park In the end US
Linkin Park Numb US
Linkin Park One step closer US
Linkin Park Somewhere I belong US
Little Steven Bitter fruit US
Living Colour Cult of personality US
Living Colour God rears his ugly head US
Living in a box Living in a box UK
Liz Phair Supernova US
Lloyd Cole & The Commotions Jennifer, she said UK
Lloyd Cole & The Commotions Last week-end UK
Lloyd Cole & The Commotions Perfect skin UK
Lloyd Cole & The Commotions Rattlesnakes UK
Los Lobos Come on, let’s go US
Louis Armstrong Wonderful world US
Luka Bloom I need love IRL
Luka Bloom Rescue mission IRL
Lush Ladykiller UK
Machines (I see) The lies in your eyes
Madness Embarassment UK
Madness House of fun UK
Madness It must be love UK
Madness Night boat to Cairo UK
Madness One step beyond UK
Madness Our house UK
Madonna Borderline US
Madonna Into the groove US
Madonna Ray of light US
Malcolm McLaren Something’s jumping UK
Mamas & Papas California dreaming US
Manfred Man Ha ha said the clown UK
Manfred Man Mighty Quinn UK
Man Without Hats The safety dance UK
Manic Street Preachers A design for life UK
Manic Street Preachers If you tolerate this your children will be next UK
Manic Street Preachers Little baby nothing UK
Manic Street Preachers Motorcycle emptiness UK
Manic Street Preachers The everlasting UK
Manic Street Preachers You love us UK
Manic Street Preachers You stole the sun from my heart UK
Manke Nelis Kleine jodeljongen NL
Mano Negra King Kong Five F
Mano Negra Out of time men F
Mansun Wide open space UK
Marc Almond Tears run rings UK
Marc Almond & Gene Pitney Something gotten hold on my heart UK
Marillion Kaleigh UK
Marillion Lavender UK
Martha & The Muffins Echo Beach CAN
Marvin Gaye What’s going on US
Marvin Gaye I heard it through the grapevine US
Massive Attack Save from harm UK
Massive Attack & S. Nelson Unfinished sympathy UK
Metallica Nothing else matters US
Metallica Enter Sandman US
Metallica One US
Metallica Sad but true US
Metallica Until it sleeps US
Mezzoforte Garden Party x IS
Michael McDonald Sweet freedom US
Michael Penn No myth US
Michael Stipe & Kristin Hersh Your ghost US
Midnight Oil Beds are burning AUS
Mighty Lemon Drops The other side of you UK
Mike & The Mechanics Living years UK
Mike & The Mechanics Silent running UK
Mike Oldfield & Maggy Reilly Moonlight shadow UK
Millions of Dead Cops (MDC) Skinhead UK
Mission Butterfly on a wheel UK
Moby Go US
Moby Why does my heart feel so badly US
Moby That’s when I reach for my revolver US
Modo Herzlich D
Monaco What do you want from me? UK
Monkees I’m a believer US
Monkees Day dream believer US
Moody Blues Tuesday afternoon UK
Monthy Python You don’t hear this on the radio UK
Morrissey Everyday is like Sunday UK
Motels Suddenly last summer US
Motors Airport US
Mott the Hoople All the young dudes UK
Mr. Mister Broken wings US
Mylene Farmer Désenchantée CAN
Nacht und Nebel Beats of love B
Nada Surf Popular US
Natalie Imbruglia Smoke AUS
Natalie Imbruglia Torn AUS
Negresses Vertes Zobi la mouche F
Neil Young Heart of gold US
Neil Young Like a hurricane US
Neil Young Rocking in a free world US
Neneh Cherry Buffalo stance S
Neneh Cherry Manchild S
Neneh Cherry I’ve got you under my skin S
Neneh Cherry Woman S
Neon Judgement Chinese Black B
New FADS Stockholm UK
New Order Bizarre Love Triangle UK
New Order Blue Monday UK
New Order Portrait of me UK
New Order Round and round UK
New Order Sputnik UK
New Order True faith UK
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Weeping song AUS
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Into my arms AUS
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Mercy seat AUS
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds The ship song AUS
Nik Kershaw I won’t let the sun go down on me UK
Nik Kershaw Wouldn’t it be good UK
Nirvana Rape me US
Nirvana The man who sold the world US
Nits Sketches of Spain NL
Nits Nescio NL
Nova Star Wrong B
Nu Shooz I can’t wait US
Oasis Champagne supernova UK
Oasis Live forever UK
Offra Haza Im nin’alu ISR
Offspring Self esteem US
Offspring Come out and play US
OMD Electricity UK
OMD Enola gay UK
OMD Made of Orleans UK
OMD So in love UK
OMD If you leave UK
Opus Life is life A
Orb The box UK
Otis Redding The dock of the bay US
Ozzy Osbourne No more tears UK
Outfield Your love UK
Passengers Miss Sarajevo I/IRL
Patti Smith Group Because the night US
Patti Smith Group People have the power US
Paul Simon Graceland US
Paul Young Love of the common people UK
Paul Young Come back and stay UK
Pavement Cut your hair US
Pearl Jam Black US
Pearl Jam Even flows US
Pearl Jam Jeremy US
Père Ubu What are we doing here? US
Peter Maffay Du D
Pet Shop Boys Suburbia UK
Pet Shop Boys West end girls UK
Pet Shop Boys Lets make lot’s of money UK
Peter Gabriel Biko UK
Peter Gabriel Games without frontiers UK
Peter Gabriel Solsbury Hill UK
Peter & Gordon A world without love UK
Peter Koelewijn KL 204 - Als ik God was NL
PhD I won’t let you down UK
Ph. Boa & The Voodoo Club Container love D
Ph. Boa & The Voodoo Club Revolution D
Phill Collins Against all odds UK
Phill Collins In the air tonight UK
Pixies Gauge away US
Pixies Gigantic US
Pixies Monkey gone to heaven US
Pixies Debaser US
Pixies Velouria US
Pixies Where is my mind? US
Pixies Broken face US
Pixies Into the white US
Pixies Here comes your man US
Placebo Every me every you UK
Placebo Pure morning UK
Placebo Slave to the wage UK
Placebo Special K UK
Placebo Taste in men UK
Poema’s Mijn houten hart NL
Pogues Fiesta IRL
Police Message in a bottle UK
Police Every breath you take UK
Police Don’t stand so close to me UK
Police So lonely UK
Police Roxanne UK
Police Walking on the moon UK
Police De do do do, de da da da UK
Popcornmakers Popcorn
Popgun Oh, what a day B
Pop Will Eat Itself Dirty Harry makes my day UK
Porno for Pyros Pets US
Portishead Glory Box UK
Presidents of the USA Peaches US
Pretenders I go to sleep UK
Pretenders 2000 miles UK
Pretenders Back on the Chain Gang UK
Primal Scream Loaded UK
Primal Scream Rocks UK
Primitives Crash UK
Primus Too many puppies US
Prince Raspberry beret US
Prince Let’s go crazy US
Prodigy Firestarter UK
Prodigy No good (start the dance) UK
Prodigy Poison UK
Prodigy Out of space UK
Prodigy Smack my bitch up UK
Propaganda Duel (Eye to Eye) D
Propaganda P machinery D
Psychedelic Furs Pretty in pink UK
Pulp Common people UK
Pulp Disco 2000 UK
Pursuit of Happiness She’s so young CAN
Q 65 The life I live NL
Queen Bicycle race UK
Queen Bohemian rhapsody UK
Queen Who wants to live forever? UK
Queensrÿche Silent lucidity US
Radiohead Creep UK
Radiohead My iron long UK
Radiohead Karma police UK
Radiohead No surprises UK
Rainmakers Let my people go-go US
Ramones Pet Semetary US
Ramones Rock and Roll High School US
Ramones I wanna be sedated US
Ramones Sheena is a punk rocker US
Rammstein Amerika D
Rammstein Engel D
Rammstein Ohne Dich D
Ray Peterson Tell Laura I love her US
Real 2 Real I like to move it US
Red Box For America UK
Red Hot Chili Peppers Breaking the girl US
Red Hot Chili Peppers Fight like a brave US
Red Hot Chili Peppers Give it away US
Red Hot Chili Peppers Higher ground US
REM Nightswimming US
REM Orange crush US
REM Everybody hurts US
REM The one I love US
Renegade Soundwave Renegade Soundwave UK
Reptile Gun fun IS
Republica Drop Dead Gorgeous UK
Republica Ready to go UK
Rheingold Dreiklangdimensionen D
Righteous Brothers Unchained melody US
Righteous Brothers You’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’ US
Ringo Starr Photograph UK
Robbie Williams Angels UK
Robbie Williams Millennium UK
Robin S Show me love US
Rock Steady Crew Hey you, Rock Steady Crew US
Roger Daltrey Without your love UK
Rolling Stones Angel in my heart UK
Rolling Stones Angie UK
Rolling Stones As tears go by UK
Rolling Stones Goodbye Ruby Tuesday UK
Rolling Stones Lady Jane UK
Rolling Stones Sympathy for the devil UK
Rolling Stones Time is on my side UK
Rolling Stones Wild horses UK
Rolling Stones The last time UK
Rolls Royce Wishing on a star
Romantics Talking in your sleep US
Romantics What I like about you US
Rowwen Hèze Met de neus omhoog NL
Rowwen Hèze Rooie kleed NL
Roxy Music Love is the drug UK
Roxy Music More than this UK
Roy Orbison It’s over US
Run DMC & Jason Nevins It’s like that US
Salad Drink the elixir UK/NL
Sam Cooke A wonderful world US
Savage Garden Truly, madly, deeply AUS
Scene Blauw NL
Scritti Politti The sweetest girl UK
Scritti Politti Absolute UK
Scritti Politti Wood beez UK
Seal Crazy UK
Selector On my radio UK
Senser Age of panic UK
Shadows Apache UK
Shadows Atlantis UK
Shamen Comin’ on strong UK
Shamen Destination Eschaton UK
Shamen Ebeneezer good UK
Shamen LSI (Love, Sex, Intelligence) UK
Shamen Make it mine UK
Shamen Move any mountain UK
Shamen Tranzamazonia UK
Shampoo Trouble UK
Shangri-Las Leader of the pack US
Shocking Blue Never Marry a Railroad Man NL
Shocking Blue Venus NL
Sid Vicious My way UK
Sigue Sigue Sputnik Love missile F 1-11 UK
Simon & Garfunkel Sound of silence US
Simon & Garfunkel The Boxer US
Simon & Garfunkel Bridge over troubled water US
Simple Minds Alife and kicking UK
Simple Minds Don’t you UK
Simple Minds All the things she said UK
Simply Red Holding back the years UK
Sinéad O’Connor Mandinka IRL
Sinéad O’Connor Troy IRL
Siouxsie & The Banshees Christine UK
Siouxsie & The Banshees Dear Prudence UK
Siouxsie & The Banshees Kiss them for me UK
Siouxsie & The Banshees Cities in dust UK
Sisters of Mercy Alice UK
Sisters of Mercy First and last and always UK
Sisters of Mercy Nine while nine UK
Sisters of Mercy Temple of love UK
Skeeter Davis The end of the world US
Skipper Wise Standing outside in the rain
Slyfox Let’s go all the way
Small Faces Itchycoo park UK
Smashing Pumpkins Today US
Smithereens & Belinda Carlisle Blue period US
Smiths Shoplifters of the world unite UK
Smiths Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me x UK
Smiths Ask UK
Smiths What difference does it make? UK
Smiths There is a light that never goes out UK
Smiths Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before UK
Smiths Girlfriend in a coma UK
Smiths How soon is now? UK
Smiths The boy with the thorn in his side UK
Smiths Bigmouth strikes again UK
Smiths Panic UK
Smokey Robinson &The Miracles Tears of a clown US
Snap! Rhythm is a dancer D
Snowy White Bird of paradise UK
Soft Cell Bedsitter UK
Soft Cell Tainted love UK
Soft Cell Torch UK
Sonic Youth 100 % US
Sony & Cher I got you babe US
Sophie B Hawkins Damn I wish I was your lover UK
Soundgarden Black old sun US
Soup Dragons I’m free UK
Specials Ghost town UK
Specials Too much too young UK
Spider Murphy Gang Skandal im sperrbezirk D
Split Enz Message to my girl NZ
Splitsing Recht uit het hart NL
Splitsing WC Schrijver NL
Splitsing Wind en zeilen NL
Squeeze Tempted UK
Stan Ridgeway Camouflage US
Starship Sara US
Stef Bos Papa NL
Steve “Silk” Hurly Jack your body US
Stereo MC’s Connected UK
Stereo MC’s Step it up UK
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel Sebastian UK
Sting Russians UK
Stone Roses Fool’s gold UK
Stone Roses I wanna be adored UK
Stone Roses She bangs the drums UK
Stooges Lust for life US
Stranglers Always the sun UK
Stranglers No more heroes UK
Stranglers Walk on by UK
Stray Cats Runaway boys US
Style Council You’re the best thing UK
Suede Animal nitrate UK
Suede Metal Mickey UK
Suede Saterday night UK
Suede So young UK
Suede Stay together UK
Suede We are the pigs UK
Suede Next life UK
Sugarcubes Blue Eyed Pop IS
Sugarcubes Coldsweat IS
Sugarcubes Cowboy IS
Sugarcubes Deus IS
Sugarcubes Eat the menu IS
Sugarcubes Hit IS
Sugarcubes I’m hungry IS
Sugarcubes Mama x IS
Sugarcubes Motorcycle Mama IS
Sugarcubes Planet IS
Sugarcubes Regina IS
Sugarcubes Sick for toys IS
Sugarcubes Walkabout IS
Sundays Can’t be sure UK
Sundays Here’s where the story ends UK
Supergrass Allright UK
Supergrass Moving UK
Supergrass Sun hits the sky UK
Supertramp School’s out UK
Supertramp Dreamer UK
Supertramp Little bit UK
Supertramp Logical song UK
Survivor Eye of the Tiger US
Suu Saad & The Next Young girl
Suzanne Vega Luka US
Suzanne Vega Marlena on the wall US
Suzanne Vega & DNA Tom’s diner US
Talk Talk Living in another world UK
Talk Talk It’s my life UK
Talk Talk Life’s what you make it UK
Talk Talk Such a shame UK
Tasmin Archer Sleeping satellite UK
TC Matic Oh la la la B
Tears for Fears Change UK
Tears for Fears Everybody wants to rule the world UK
Tears for Fears Mad world UK
Tears for Fears Shout UK
Tears for Fears Woman in change UK
Ten Sharp When the snow falls NL
That Petrol Emotion Big decision UK
The The Slow emotion replay UK
The The This is the day UK
The The The beaten generation UK
The The Uncertain smile UK
Them Here comes the night UK
Then Jericho Big area UK
Therapy? Diane GB
Therapy? Nowhere GB
Therapy? Die laughing GB
This Mortal Coil You and your sister UK
This Mortal Coil Song to the siren UK
Thomas Dolby I scare myself UK
Thompson Twins Doctor! Doctor! UK
Throwing Muses Bright yellow gun US
Tim Finn Fraction (too much friction) NZ
Tim Hardin How can we hang on to a dream US
Tom Petty & The Heartbrakers A face in the crowd US
Tom Petty & The Heartbrakers Into the great wide open US
Tom Petty & The Heartbrakers Mary Jane’s last dance US
Tom Petty & The Heartbrakers Refugee US
Tom Robinson Listen to the music US
Tom Tom Club Wordy rappinghood AUS
Tom Tom Club Genious of love AUS
Tone Lock Wild thing US
Toontje Lager Stiekem gedanst NL
Tori Amos Cornflake girl US
Tower See you tonight
T’Pau China in your hand UK
T’Pau Heart and soul UK
Tracey Ullman They don’t know UK
Transvision Vamp Baby I don’t care UK
Transvision Vamp Born to be sold UK
Travelling Wilburys Handle with care US
Travis Why does it always rain on me UK
Tremeloes Even the bad times are good UK
T-Rex Children of the revolution UK
Triffids Goodbye little boy AUS
Tröckener Kecks Met hart en ziel NL
Tröckener Kecks Niemand thuis NL
Tröckener Kecks Nu of nooit NL
Tröckener Kecks Vanavond (voor altijd) NL
Troggs With a girl like you UK
U2 Bad IRL
U2 I will follow IRL
U2 New Year’s day IRL
U2 One IRL
U2 Pride (in the name of love) IRL
U2 Sunday bloody Sunday IRL
U2 The unforgettable fire IRL
U2 This time IRL
U2 With or without you IRL
UB 40 1 in 10 UK
Ultra Vivid Scene Special one UK
Ultravox Dancing with tears in my eyes UK
Ultravox Vienna UK
Undertones Teenage kicks UK
Underworld Born slippy UK
Unun Far IS
Unun Good Friday IS
Unun Lie to me IS
Unun Einkalíf IS
Urban Dance Squad Deeper shade of soul NL
Urban Dance Squad Demagogue NL
Velvet Underground Femme fatale US
Velvet Underground I’m waiting for my man US
Velvet Underground Sunday morning US
Velvet Underground All tomorrow’s parties US
Verve Bitter Sweet Symphony UK
Verve The drugs don’t work UK
Verve Sonnet UK
Verve Lucky man UK
Visage Fade to grey UK
VOF De Kunst Kopje koffie NL
Voice of the Beehive Don’t call me baby UK/US
Waltari So fine FIN
Walker Brothers The sun ain’t gonna shine anymore US
Wang Chung Dance hall days UK
Waterboys Girl called Johnny UK
Waterboys Glastonbury song UK
Waterboys The whole of the moon UK
Wax Right between the eyes UK/US
Wedding Present Nobody’s twisting your arm UK
Wee Papa Girl Rappers Wee rule UK
Weezer Buddy Holly US
Wendy & Lisa Waterfall US
Whale Bobo humping slobo babe FIN
Whigfield Saterday night DK
White Lion Cry for freedom UK
Who Pictures of Lilly UK
Who See me, feel me UK
Who Substitute UK
Who Talking ‘bout my generation UK
Who The better you bet UK
Who Who are you? UK
Wire Buzz buzz UK
Wings Mull of Kyntyre UK
Won Ton Ton I lie and I cheat B
Wonderstuff Don’t let me down UK
Woodentops Wheel’s turning UK
World Party Private revolution UK
World Party Put the message in the box UK
World Party Way down now UK
XTC Senses working overtime UK
XTC Dear God UK
XTC Making plans for Nigel UK
Yardbirds For your love UK
Yazoo Don’t go UK
Yazoo Only you UK
Yes Owner of a lonely heart UK
Young Gods Kissing the sun CH
Young Gods TV sky CH
Zen Hair
Zombies Time of the season UK
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